American Civil War
This page is for toy soldiers that depict the American Civil War, it includes original toy soldiers and converted toy soldiers.
These Federal Zouaves are by MERTEN of Germany and are in 40mm scale
Four more by MERTEN, Federal Infantry and Zouaves in 40mm scale
Conversions from MARX toy soldier (remoulds, before anyone starts getting hot under the collar) the standard bearer has had his head and arms changed, the flag is made from paper stiffened with transparent wood glue. The second is just a head change, the third has had head and torso changed
The kneeling artillery officer is a MARX toy soldier, painted and given a base. The dismounted cavalry officer was a HERALD toy soldier 7th cavalryman with just a head change. Likewise the trooper came from a DULCOP toy soldier 7th Cavalry with a head change from another plastic toy soldier.
there are penty of Zouaves on the market but not so long ago you
had to make your own! These are New York Zouaves, I've taken a
bit of licence with the uniforms but what the heck, it works for
me. The officer is by ACCURATE, the other two are made from MARX
toy soldier torsos on DULCOP WWI toy soldier Italian Bersglieri
These two were made in much the same way as the ones above, the bugler originally held a revolver, I cut this away and replaced it with a musket from the spares box. The standard bearer utilises the legs and torso from the DULCOP Bersaglieri with the head from a MARX toy soldier, AIRFIX French Napoleonic arms, paper flag and scratchbuilt pack.
The first of this trio is by ANDI GUARD, just a paint job. The second is the DULCOP Bersaglieri with a MARX toy soldier head and the arms from an AIRFIX WW2 Italian infantryman. The third has the torso from a MARX toy soldier on DULCOP toy soldier legs
The wounded man has the legs from an ANDI GUARD Confederate with torso and head from two different ACCURATE toy soldiers. The man priming his musket is made from various MARX toy soldier parts.
Two Zouaves by MARKSMEN toy soldier of the UK, painted up as Louisiana Tigers.
The bugler is a TIMPO figure with a new arm, I can't remember where the arm came from, probably a MARX toy soldier. The drummer boy began his military career in the Grenadier Guards, made by CHARBENS, he just had a head change and a repaint.
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